Difference between astringent and toner:

Toner: Toner is to be used after cleaning the face with facewash. The PH balance of the skin is ruined when we clean our face. We have to use toner to bring PH balance.Toner Hydrates our skin, minimize  pores of the skin, seams sebum in those pores of the skin clean sebum from all places and keeps skin healthy. Toner makes our skin moisture. Always use toner before using moisturizer. Toners is to be used on combination, dry and sensitive skin.
This is for oily skin. Mainly it used to remove oil, acne from our skin and keep makeup base right. It contains alcohol.It kills bacteria. Releases skin from extra oil.It doesn't makes itchiness on the skin like toner. The toner is very mild but astringent is not so mild. Don't use astringent on sensitive and dry skin. Use astringent after cleaning skin and before use moisturizer.

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